
Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores

PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores (PT SILO) is recognized as the pioneer in iron ore mining in Indonesia. The iron deposits in Sebuku Island are broken down into three regions: North, Mid, and South region. The iron resource are currently estimated around 400 million tons in both the North and Mid regions, and an additional 100 million tons (estimate) in the unexplored Southern region. The deposits are spread throughout our more than 9,900 ha in Northern territory of Sebuku Island, South of Kalimantan.

And now, We are seeking for professionals with strong analytical thinking, proactive behavior, fast learning ability, excellent communication & interpersonal skill to fulfill the challenging position in our company as :


• Male, max age 25 years.
• Bachelor degree (S1) majoring in Technic Informatika/Computer Science or equivalent major from a reputable university, with minimum GPA of 2,75.
• At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position (as a Staff IT Development and Programmer).
• Able to create, maintenance, develop a database programing.
• Be able to work to tight deadlines, work in a logical manner and demonstrate good attention to detail.
• Initiative, communicative, hard working and able to work under pressure.
• Willing to be travel to our site.


• Male / Female, Single, age 25-30 years.
• Minimum S1 - Mining Engineering Department.
• Minimum 3 years experience, preferably having experience in the mining company.
• Responsible for clearing mines from the aspect of design, optimization and mine scheduling.
• Understanding about planning and able to calculate long-term and short-term planning for mining.
• Knowledgeable for the preparation of setting mining equipment and mining targets.
• Mastering software Gemcom Surpac 6.2, AutoCad, and other mining software.
• Can make a good report, and can make a mapping service, maintenance scheduling systems and repair systems.
• Preferably have a driver s license and can drive LV.
• Communicative, able to work with the team, firm, and like a challenge.
• Willing to be placed on our site, South Kalimantan and South Sumatra.


• Male/Female, maximum 35 years old.
• Bachelor Degree, Majoring in Geology.
• Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
• Minimum 2 year experience of exploration and geological mapping is preferred.
• Knowledgeable and capable of using geological software, preferably Master Mining Software (AutoCAD is a minimum requirement).
• Responsible for conducting the planning, implementation and mapping activities of the mine as well as drilling and geological analysis.
• Proactive, hardworking, disciplined, results oriented and able to work under pressure.
• Willing to work in any site at South Kalimantan/Sumatra.


› Key result area:
This position will be responsible for carrying out a full range of engineering functions, including, but not limited to: development of an accurate mineral model, generation of mineable pit designs, analyzing equipment needs, managing multiple projects, creation of alternative mine plans and evaluations of various operational scenarios with the goal of maximizing revenue.

› Responsibilities:
• Preparing concept of short, medium and long term of mine plan.
• Controlling and evaluating of mine plan.
• Preparing annual mine plan in monthly basis.
• Controlling progress of short term mine operation (weekly and daily).
• Preparing concept of short, medium and long term of mine plan using Surpac.
• Controlling and evaluating of mine plan.
• Controlling mine geotechnical, hydrology and geohydrology, mine surveying, coal quality control.

› Qualifications:
• Male, 35-45 years, posses at least a Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering.
• Has at least 10 years of working experiences in mining companies with at least 7 years in mine planning.
• Has excellent skills operating mining software such as Surpac, Vulcan, AutoCad, spreadsheets is MUST and knowledge of Minescape.
• Understand relevant mining technical aspects: geotechnical, hydrology and geohydrology, mine surveying, coal quality control.
• Understand relevant mining regulation and codes as well as applicable coal - related environment regulation.
• Willing to be placed in Jakarta or all company s locations.

Send your complete application to:



Jl. Pluit Utara Raya. 18, Jakarta Utara 14450


PERUM JASA TIRTA Iadalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang ditugasi untuk menyelenggarakan pemanfaatan umum atas air dan sumber-sumber air yang bermutu dan memadai bagi pemenuhan hajat hidup orang banyak, serta melaksanakan tugas-tugas tertentu yang diberikan Pemerintah dalam pengelolaan daerah aliran sungai (DAS).

Memberikan kesempatan kepada lulusan terbaik untuk mengisi lowongan pada bidang pekerjaan sebagai berikut :

Jenjang Pendidikan - Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan ( SMK )

No - Jurusan - Kode Lamaran - Jenis Kelamin
1. SMK Sipil 001 Laki-laki
2. SMK Mesin 002 Laki -laki
3. SMK Listrik 003 Laki -laki
4. SMK Elektronika 004 Laki -laki
5. SMK Kimia 005 Laki -laki / Perempuan

Syarat & Ketentuan pelamar tingkat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
1. Usia pada waktu mengajukan lamaran maksimal 30 tahun.
2. Nilai STTB minimal 6,0 dan sanggup bekerja dilapangan.
3. Belum Menikah

■ Formulir lamaran , dapat di download di www.jasatirta1.co.id .
■ Formulir (tetap dikirimkan dalam bentuk excel), sedangkan semua berkas persyaratan lamaran harus di buat dalam bentuk "image jpg" dan di kompres dalam bentuk 'rar', kemudian di kirim ke alamat email : sdm@jasatirta1.co.id dengan diisi sesuai kode lamaran.
■ Pendaftaran melalui email ditutup pada tanggal 27 Juni 2012 (diperpanjang).
■ Pengumuman Keputusan Hasil Seleksi Administrasi akan diumumkan pada tanggal 2 Juli 2012 subyek email melalui website : www.jasatirta1.co.id

Berkas persyaratan lamaran yang harus di email terlebih dahulu meliputi :
1. Formulir Lamaran yang telah diisi lengkap
2. Daftar Riwayat Hidup / Curiculum Vitae
3. Pas Foto terbaru Ukuran 4 X 6 ( 2 lembar )
4. Foto copy :
■ SMK : Ijasah / STTB ( Bolak-balik-legalisir) & Transkrip Akhir Tahun Pendidikan
■ Surat Keterangan Lahir SDM PJT I
■ Kartu Penduduk yang masih berlaku
■ Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik/ SKCK yang masih berlaku
■ Surat keterangan kerja dari perusahaan tempat bekerja sebelumnya
■ Sertifikat kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer (bila ada)

Bagi yang lulus seleksi administrasi, Surat Lamaran berikut berkas persyaratan lamaran ( yang pernah di email ) dimasukkan ke dalam amplop tertutup, ditujukan kepada :

Kepala Biro Pengembangan SDM , Perlengkapan & Rumah Tangga
Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta I
Jl. Surabaya 2A
Malang 65115
(dibawa pada saat tes tahap awal dilaksanakan)

Ketentuan lainnya :
1. Tidak dilakukan korespondensi, selama proses rekruitmen berlangsung, jika terbukti ada yang melakukan hal tersebut, maka yang bersangkutan dinyatakan gugur.
2. Pelamar yang tidak lolos seleksi administrasi, lamaran tidak akan dikembalikan dan menjadi
3. Biaya transportasi &akomodasi pelamar selama proses seleksi ini menjadi tanggung jawab pelamar.
4. Bagi pelamar yang pernah mengirimkan lamaran ke PJT I, dinyatakan tidak berlaku.
Agar mengajukan lamaran kembali sesuai dengan persyaratan pada pengumuman.
5. Lamaran disertai No Telepon / HP yang dapat dihubungi.
6. Tidak dipungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun dalam pelaksanaan penerimaan calon pegawai PJT I.
7. Diutamakan yang berpengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidangnya.
8. Untuk setiap satu kebutuhan kami akan memanggil 10 pelamar terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi.
9. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Perum Jasa Tirta I.
10. Keputusan Panitia penerimaan calon pegawai PJT I tidak dapat di ganggu gugat.


Bogor Hotel Institute

Bogor Hotel Institute(BHI) is a School of Tourism accredited by the National Accreditation Body of Indonesian Government. BHI provides formal education; Diploma (D3), Bachelor Degree (S1) and 1 Year Program in Hotel Operation study as well as Professional Hospitality Training Programs.

BHI is located in a new developing area, Jalan ke Kampus BHI No. 17, Yasmin Bogor. BHI has a representative office in Galuh Lobby area, Hotel Salak The Heritage which is located in Bogor Central Business District Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No.8. In 2008, BHI won the competition for Education and Skills Institute in Service Industry category organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

Bogor Hotel Institute, the biggest school of Tourism and Hospitality in Bogor invites you to join our team as a :


With the qualifications required :

• University Graduate
- Public State Universities in Indonesia
- US, UK, Canada, Australia and Switzerland Accredited foreign universities
• Master’s Degree in Hotel or Hospitality and Tourism Management
• Diploma 4 in Hospitality and Tourism
• Fluently in English both spoken & written
• Computer literate
• Self motivated & dynamic
• Perfect health condition
• Room Division & Front Office Lecturer


With the qualifications required :

• Male & Female, age max 25 years old
• Height for male Min 168 cm & Female min 160 cm
• University Graduate
- Public State Universities in Indonesia
- US, UK, Canada, Australia and Switzerland Accredited foreign universities
• Education min Bachelor degree & GPA min 3, 00
• Fluently in English both spoken & written
• Computer literate
• Self motivated & dynamic
• Perfect health condition

If interested, please contact Bogor Hotel Institute, For more information or to apply.

Contact person : Agung Djati Walujo
Mobile : +62 8121107510
Phone : +62 2513041154
Email : mahesha@bhi.ac.id or buitenzorghrd@yahoo.com
Website : www.bhi.ac.id