
Jumat, 06 April 2012

PT Sentra Usahatama Jaya

Kami adalah group perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur, agribisnis, property, finance, dan lain-lain. Untuk kebutuhan pertumbuhan industri gula rafinasi kami – PT Sentra Usahatama Jaya, kami mencari kandidat kompeten dan berkomitmen tinggi untuk menjadi bagian dari tim kami sebagai:
Staf Akunting (Kasir)
(Kantor Pusat – Jakarta)

Jakarta Raya

  • Lulusan D-3 Akuntansi/Keuangan dengan IPK minimal 3,00 (skala 4,00).
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimum 1 tahun, di bidang akuntansi atau keuangan lebih diutamakan.
  • Mengerti dasar-dasar akuntansi dan pembukuan.
  • Terbiasa mengoperasikan computer (program MS-0ffice dan Internet) serta menyukai pekerjaan administratif.
  • Jujur, teliti, bertanggung jawab, mampu bekerja individu maupun dalam team.
  • Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta.
Marketing Supervisor
(Head Office – Jakarta)

Jakarta Raya

  • Minimum holds S-1 Degree in Economy/Management/Other with minimum GPA 3.00 (scale 4) from reputable university.
  • Expose minimum 5 years working experiences in similar position in sugar industry or food & beverage industry.
  • Able to make market strategy and analysis, having wide networking especially in Sumatra area.
  • Sales & result oriented. Excellent presentation and negotiations skills & have strong commitment to deliver a good customer service.
  • High integrity, empathic communicator,credible, strong leadership, creative & has good vision.
  • Computer literate(MSOffice program& Internet) and proficient in English.
  • Mobile & willing to travel around the country
Recruitment Specialist
Jakarta Raya

  • Hold Bachelor Degree in Psychology, profession graduate are preferable.
  • Having minimum 5 years working experiences at the same field.
  • Having competencies on conducting psychological tools test for recruitment/assessment and interview techniques such as behavioral event interview methods.
  • Posses good comprehension and analytical in Competency Based Human Resources Management (CB-HRM). Other HRM function knowledge or experiences will be value added.
  • Computer literate(MSOffice program& Internet) and good command of English.
  • Mature, detail & meticulous, good communication and negotiation skills, self motivated,independent, and able to work individually as well as in a team.
  • Willing to be stationed in Head Office – Jakarta.
Human Resources Department Head
Cilegon (Banten)

  • Male, age between 30 - 40years old.
  • S1 graduated, preferable from Psychology/Law/HR Management.
  • Having experience min 5 years in Human Resources field in similar position from manufacturing industry or labor intensive.
  • Familiar with recruitment, compensation and benefit, performance management, T & D, industrial relation, government relation, man power regulation, ISO 9001 & 22000 and other personnel administration.
  • Capable of handlingindustrial disputesandunderstandthe proceduresof IndustrialCourt (PPHI).
  • Excellent interpersonal, high integrity, strong leadership, management skill, analytical, strategic minded and ability to interact and communicate with all level employees.
  • Computer literateand proficient in English.
  • Willing to be stationed at Cilegon Site
Instrument Foreman
Cilegon (Banten)

  • Pendidikan Minimum D3 Teknik Elektro dari Perguruan Tinggi Terkemuka
  • Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang Instrumentasi di Perusahaan Manufaktur Skala Besar.
  • Mampu melakukan analisa permasalahan dan Trouble Shooting secara tepat dan cepat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dibidang pekerjaannya.
  • Memahami dan menguasai metode kalibrasi serta melakukan kalibrasi alat ukur dan timbangan yang digunakan oleh perusahaan.
  • Menguasai Komputer dan dapat Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris secara aktif
  • Memiliki kemampuan untuk memimpin dan memotivasi anggota teamnya
  • Bersedia untuk bekerja dengan system shift
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Lokasi Pabrik di Cilegon
HSE Manager
Cilegon (Banten)

  • Min holds S-1 Degree preferable in HSE Engineering. Plus holds Ahli K3 Umum certificate.
  • Expose min 10 years solid working experiences in similar position preferable in manufacturing industry.
  • Posses good comprehension in HSE management systems, quality management systems and a thorough working knowledge of local/international codes and standards (PROPER, UKL/UPL, AMDAL, ISO, OHSAS, etc).
  • Able to design, established, lead, facilitate and monitor the development of corporate HSE policies complies with all Local and Corporate Legal and regulatory requirementsto support the company’s strategic management system; and also considering the implication of issues such as cost & time constraints.
  • Able to develop and conduct appropriate HSE training and to communicate HSE awareness to all employees.
  • Computer literate(MSOffice program& Internet) and good command of English.
  • Excellent interpersonal, high integrity and strong leadership, strategic minded, initiative, have good communication and presentation skills, team player.
  • Willing to be stationed at Cilegon Site.
If meet with the qualification please sendcomplete resume with recent photographand expectedsalaryby email (not more than 2 MB) to :

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